
My Help Cometh From the Lord!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

"Simplicities" - Simplicity 4787(OOP) and Simplicity 2501

Teaching is one of the best jobs in America!  Seriously!  And for more reasons than one!  The main reason last week?  I was on spring break!  It came late this year and was much anticipated by all!  I did not getting ANY sewing done but seriously enjoyed the time off!  I had planned on accomplishing my goals during this period but it didn't happen.  For the first time in a long time our "classic trio" were all home at the same time.   Much enjoyment of family yields no sewing.

Both front and back look exactly the same.  This is the back.  When I don the skirt I will show all views.
 This skirt has been cut out for EONS!  Eons I tell ya! I didn't begin constructing it until late last year.  It quickly became an unfinished project but finally I get to it.  Sewing SMART works!  I can't remember from whence I purchased the fabric but I do know that it was on clearance.   When I had taken an extended hiatus from sewing but was shopping for fabric and patterns as though I hadn't, I shopped clearance.  Now?.....It's a habit.  I check clearance fabrics first and usually end up snagging a good deal or two!  I am especially excited when JoAnn Fabrics has those 50% of of clearance fabrics sales!   Oh yeah!
The fabric is really lightweight so I added a lining.  I probably should have used a lighter weight fbric for this lining however I used whatever was in stash.  It'll work. 
This blouse was cut out at about this same time last year.  I remember because it was toward the end of the school year.  I have this "thing" about cutting out projects.....I enjoy it! Almost as much as sewing them.  I know, it's kind of weird right?  I have really had to refrain from such during this time of goal accomplishing.   Anyway, construction on this blouse, like the skirt, began around November or December of last year.  
This fabric was in Virginia's stash!  Classic! 
I know that I will be making another version of this blouse.  It is a great pattern!
THE SKIRT:  The waistband was too short.  I thought I was going to have to cut a new one.  How does that happen anyway?  I actually went back and checked the pattern piece to be sure that I had not cut the wrong size and I hadn't.  Frustrated, I set it aside.  Didn't even want to deal with it at the time. (Sounds so trivial in NO REASON for this to have been an unfinished project).
THE BLOUSE:  Initially I wanted the flounce to be on both sides of the blouse.  Without giving it much thought I tried this design only to realized that I would need to add a front band to attach the buttons to.  Uhm....didn't want to go that extra mile at the time so.....I set it aside.   I know right?!  When I picked it back up, several weeks ago, I detached the flounces and used the second flounce as a lining for the first.  I got this idea from a reviewer on who made a gorgeous version of this blouse.
With the skirt I think that had I not been sewing as much as I have recently I probably would have cut a new skirt band which was not necessary at all.  I just eased the band onto the skirt and it fit.  Uhm....there may be a pucker or two here and there but had I not told wouldn't know it!  The blouse - one must consider all things when changing a design. 
So there you have it.  As soon as I get some pics wearing these garments, I will post.  I've almost gotten Simplicity 2473 completed.  Hope to get it done sometime next week.  Until next time......BE BLESSED!


  1. Pretty pieces, I know you are happy they are completed :)

  2. First of all great job! Secondly, about that a little too short waistband thing, that has happened to so many time that now I just go ahead and and cut all bands a little longer on both sides (just in case). Thirdly, I really like the skirt, but I LOVE that top. It's been in the batter's box for me for a year now don't know why I never cut it out. Thanks for the ruffle tip - a nice finish on ruffles is important to me too.


Thanks a bunch for stopping by! BE BLESSED!