
My Help Cometh From the Lord!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sew S.M.A.R.T. In 2011!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!  What a GREAT year this will be!  Like many of you, I have set new goals for this year. I have identified what I want to accomplish and make better in the areas of spirituality, marriage, family, finance, health/fitness and personal/professional development...oh yeah..let's not forget........SEWING!  I've set a single goal in each of these areas for 2011!

In the area of sewing, my immediate goal will revolve around the unfinished projects in my sewing room.  I don't mind unfinished projects.  I find that when I take a break from something - for whatever reason - and believe me, there is a reason behind every unfinished project, I gain knowledge and experience that I can use when the time comes that I am able to resume the project.   Within the scope of this post however, I'll refrain from elaborating on this point and do so within the posting of each completed project.

While I may not mind them, I don't want to become overwhelmed by them either.  Which, by the way, is looking like it might be "just over the horizion" from here-lol!  My ability to remain focused is greatly going to contribute to the success of me achieveing my goal.  Success of course will allow me to move forward with my sewing - THAT'S where I wanna be! 

I've decided to use the following model for setting, reviewing, upadating, revising and monitoring my sewing goal. There are variations of the acronym used for this model but I find that the following best suits me.  My goal is SMART as follows ....that is Specific, Measureable, Achieveable, Relevant and Time-Bound

S - Specific - the expected outcome is specific -  "I want to complete all of the unfinished projects in my sewing room prior to starting a single new project."

M - Measureable - the expected outcome can be measured - I currently have *ahem* 10 unfinished projects in my sewing room - "I want to complete all 10 of the unfinished projects in my sewing room prior to starting a single new project."

A - Achieveable - an outcome that is realistic based on what's happening in my life - this is where I want to stretch myself but not set myself up for failure by trying to achieve the impossible -  "I want to complete all 10 of the unfinished projects in my sewing room prior to starting a single new project.  To achieve this goal, I will sew 15-30 minutes each workday and total of 4 hours on the weekends."

R - Relevant - actions are relevant to the expected outcome - "I want to complete all 10 of the unfinished projects in my sewing room prior to starting a single new project.  To achieve this goal, I will sew 15-30 minutes each workday and a total of 4 hours on the weekends.  In the event that I have unexpected free time and can sew, I will devote that time to completing my projects.  If necessary I will make-up any missed sewing time within each week."

T - Time Bound - a realistic time-frame to include an actual date to accomplish an expected outcome - "I want to complete all 10 of the unfinished projects in my sewing room prior to starting a single new project.  To achieve this goal, I will sew 15-30 minutes each workday and a total of 4 hours on the weekends.  In the event that I have unexprected free time and can sew, I will devote that time to completing my projects.  If necessary I will make-up any missed sewing time within each week.  I want to have all unfinished projects completed by April 30, 2011."

I am hoping that I will have these projects completed prior to that date but I wanted to be realistic. Given the deadline I should complete, on average, at least 3 projects per month. That sounds so "do-able." My plan is to complete the "quick to finish" projects first and have more time for the "not so quick to finish" ones. It will be a challenge for sure but I'm up for it!  Well, I'd better get started!  How about you?  Are your goals SMART?  Happy sewing in the New Year.  Be Blessed!